My art is a celebration of life rooted in nature and curiosity. I came upon my art during my childhood while looking at pictures, playing with mud, sticks and electricity. When my family went on a long ocean voyage to a new home on a different continent, I began drawing my ocean adventure. This instantly became my go-to escape in life. There I learned to love building model airplanes, ships, and cars. Later when I went to university to study business administration, I discovered that I needed to stay curious, and creative to become fully human. Making art came to the rescue. Since then, I have focused my creativity through my vision, and my sense of touch. When I make a drawing, I open a door to infinite possibilities. I do not know where it will lead, but I sense that time seems to stop, and my abilities expand. In this way my drawings become paintings, that become collages that grow into sculptures as I draw, paint, cut, fold, and glue. Since my first commission to create a major work of art, ("The Kiss", a mosaic inside a swimming pool) I have honed my listening and observing skills to masterfully tell stories filled with colorful, and dynamic images. My good fortune in receiving many such commissions over the last three decades has afforded me opportunities to learn how to work with many materials and methods that create magical objects to inspire and elevate both the maker and the viewer. I look forward to enjoying my life by making art until I move on from this earth.